Feeling shy with your belly fat, and want to get six packs ? Here you will find some of the Best Way To Get 6 Apps In Four Week

s a khan
3 min readOct 20, 2021
six packs, six packs abs, six abs

Abs are made in the kitchen. It is a famous quote, and it is true . six packs or abs are the result of 80 percent diet and 20 percent of exercise. Today a lot of junk foods are causing belly fat. Due to our easy lifestyle, where we do not need to do any hard work to get thing, a lot of us people are getting fat, and the very first target of fat is our belly.

Belly fat is most stubborn fat. It comes first , and go in the last. So if you want to get six packs abs, first you need to cut off you belly, then it can be in the shape of whatever you want. Here we will discuss the best way to get 6 apps in four week.

We will discuss here the fastest way to get apps in one month. Although it seems impossible, nothing is impossible in this world.+

We will discuss here six points one by one and each of them is very important. Four of them belong to diet

· Cut off processed and refined foods from your diet as much as possible

• Try to eat meals with short gaps

• Stay hydrated

• Take protein

• Do cardio

• Do not stuck in many sets of crunches

Cut off processed and refined foods from your diet

Sodium, fat, carbs are present in processed foods. They are high in calories, and if you are on the mission to weight lose, you should avoid these types of food from your diet.

Try to eat meals with short gaps.

You should eat six times a day instead of three times. Yes you read it right, six times a day. Because try to eat short meals with the gap of three hours. Due to this you will feel fullness in your stomach.

Stay hydrated

Water plays a key role in weight loss. Drink lots of water. It will help to burn your fat, water will reduce your appetite and increase weight loss. Drinking water before meals is more beneficial as compared to drinking water after meals.

Take protein

Protein is the main element which helps to build the muscle. It also helps to burn fat. So if you want to build beautiful muscles you should take protein in your diet in fact it is necessary for creating six packs.

Do cardio

Cardio is the most famous exercise for burning fat. I am sure that you have heard about cardio. Cardio is the name of walking , jogging with different variants. Cardio is very useful to burn belly fat. If you do more cardio, you will burn more belly fat.

Do not get stuck in many sets of crunches.

Many people waste their time on doing thousands of crunches. They spend one to two hours up to crunches. It is useless because an effective time of 20 to 30 minutes is enough for burning fat. Do smarter variants of crunches which should be more complex as compared to traditional crunches.


So we discussed here some methods , alone these methods are not effective but by combining each method will create a best way to get six packs abs in four week

