Hair Loss Causes And Treatment

s a khan
4 min readJun 30, 2021
Hair loss, Hair loss in male, Hair loss in men

Baldness or alopecia is another name of hair loss. It is observed in the scalp especially in men. So we can say that hair loss is only losing hairs from the scalp, we are not talking about the whole body, and this is observed in men. It may be hereditary , hormonal changes or stress.

50 to 100 hairs fall is normal but if you observe that there are much more hairs found in the drain when you are taking a bath or in your comb, then it can be a serious issue for your hairs.

There are many reasons for hair loss. These reasons are described below:


It is the most common type of hair loss. It is found in both men and women, the medical term used for this type is called androgenic alopecia. It has another name for men and women both, which is male pattern baldness and for females it is known as female pattern baldness.

In men it starts with a thin hairline which becomes high and tends to a completely bald scalp.


You can not do with your gene but there are some treatment in which you can slow down the process. Important thing is diet you should take care of your diet for keeping your hairs healthy, take proteins in your diet it will help to slow down the process. If you would not care of your hairs and don’t do treatment hair loss is must.

Hormonal Changes

This type of hair loss is observed in women, menopause is the main reason for hair loss in females. Menopause is a natural process which is faced by every female at some certain age. In this process females don’t mensuration up to one year. This has started at the age of 45 and many females face it between the age of 45– the menopause females face many different problems such as mood swings, insomnia and hair loss.


If hair loss is due to hormonal imbalance then first of all visit the doctor. They can give you some medicine and massage your scalp. There are many medicines which are effective in hair loss due to hormonal imbalance. After doing this, take care of your diet.


Age is another big reason for hair loss. But those who have a history of hereditary hair loss problems in their family, they can face a double problem because if anyone has baldness in his family history then age can trigger this process.

Everyone faces hair loss with the growing age because the growth of hair becomes slow and they have less pigment. But it is the worst condition for those who have hereditary hair loss, they become bald very fast.


First visit to the doctor for this type of hair loss. You will get some medicines but in some cases you can face hair transplant and laser technique for hair loss treatment.


As everyone knows about stress, it is the enemy of health. Short term stress is ok but long term stress can affect your hair. Due to stress you can lose your hair very fast. When we get stressed our body produces some chemicals , they are not so good for our health as well as it may affect our hairs.


There is only one piece of advice for this type of hair loss. Avoid stress if you want healthy hair because stress has a very bad effect on your health and hairs are a part of our body. If the body is healthy then hair would be too.

Alopecia areata

This is the disease in which hairs fall out in small patches and people ignore it, because of their size. The size of hairs that fall out is er of the hair. Age, gender doesn’t matter, it is the same for those female and male. It starts before the age of 30 and leads to complete baldness on the scalp. But the important thing is that it can affect not only the scalp but eyebrows, and anywhere on our body.


There are many treatments now for hair losses, some are very expensive. There are various types of treatments in which oral treatment, injection treatment and topical agents. Another therapy is available which is called light therapy or photochemotherapy. So visit your doctor and he/she will advise you which one is better for you.


Here we discussed about hair loss, their causes and their treatment. Every cause is a separate and big topic but we discussed it here. So read it and adopt which one is suitable for you.

