How Can You Do Effective Weight Loss?

s a khan
3 min readOct 1, 2022

Do you want to lose your weight? Are you over weight or you are suffering from some kind of disease which is the result of over weight?

Then this writing is for you, here we will discuss some important tips and techniques by which you can lose your weight easily. But remember one thing weight loss is not the name of any diet but you have to change your unhealthy lifestyle to healthy lifestyle, and one more thing that if you are thinking that by losing your weight you can overcome each and every problem related to your body then sorry you are wrong. We are here to do some serious and realistic discussion about weight loss.

Why Weight Loss?

This is very important question you have to ask yourself that why do you want to lose your weight. Over weight is not a good condition for health because if you are overweight then you are inviting some serious issues of health such as high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, gout and many more. These are the disease you can have if you are overweight then it is necessary that you have to keep your weight under control. You can ask your health advisor about this problem he/she will guide you properly whether you over weight or not. Over weight along with over age is another serious problem so if you are above forty then first you consult your physician before starting any type of weight loss exercise or weight loss diet. The doctor can guide you properly in this regard.

Weight Loss Tips

There are many tips by which you can lose your weight easily. But keep it in your mind that not only diet or only exercise can give you result of your desire. A good combination of exercise and diet can help you losing your weight. You have to cut calories from diet and you have to do exercise for burning your extra calories. But again I suggest you that slow and steady win the race so do it slowly and if you are above forty then you should take baby steps for losing your weight. Frist start walking for weight loss then gradually increase the time of walking. Your target should be only one to two pound per week and in the start it should be one pound which is enough for any new weight loser. Because sometimes people lose their healthy elements like minerals, which is very dangerous for your health. So keep it simple and slow.


Now guys I hope you enjoyed my weight loss blog because i have described you briefly about weight loss and gave you some tips by which you can lose your weight easily. But I advise you again that always consult your family physician before starting any type of weight loss stunt. The doctor can guide your properly because he/she have knowledge of your body and knows more about your body than you. So guys weight loss is not an impossible task, anyone can do it but with strategy. So Start your weight loss journey safely.

