Skin Cancer: Early Signs, Prevention, & Treatment

s a khan
3 min readJun 17, 2021

Skin cancer is found in the epidermis layer of skin. It is the outermost layer of skin. It is irregular or weird growth of the cells of epidermis layer. Normally it is found in that area of the body where sun exposes directly.

Mostly UV rays of sun are responsible for skin cancer. It has three major types. Basal Cell Carcinoma, Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Melanoma. First two types belong to the outermost layer and the third one belongs to the inner layer of the body.

◦ What Is Skin Cancer?

As we described in intro it is found in the layers of Skin. There are two layers in Skin, one is outermost layer which is called epidermis and second one is called dermis. Dermis is found beneath the epidermis. In the three types of skin cancer first two found in the outermost layer which is called epidermis and third one can be found anywhere in the body may be in innermost layer which is dermis. In the skin cancer body produces irregular cells in the epidermis. Once these cells form in the skin then they generates rapidly more damage cells and form cancerous tumors.

◦ How Common is Skin Cancer?

Non melanoma cancer is common in the world. Over 9500 daily cases of skin cancer is diagnosing daily in America. Globally 2 or 3 millions cases of non melanoma cancer and 132000 melanoma cancer occurs in the world each year. According to cancer foundation in every three cancers one is diagnosed with skin cancer. One in five Americans may have skin cancer in their whole life. In 2018 non melanoma cancer is 5th most diagnosed cancer in the world. Apart from gender it can be found in any one. In these statistics many types of skin cancer are not included because it has many sub types.

◦ Known Causes and Prevention

Mostly the harmful UV rays of the sun are the main cause of skin cancer. UV rays can damage skin’s DNA, and this damage can cause alteration in DNA. After alteration DNA has not been able to control the production of skin cells. They produce irregular and weird cells in the skin which later form cancerous tumours. To prevent this type of cancer you should cover your body while going out and protect your skin from UV rays from the sun. Never use a UV tanning bed. Always cover your body with clothing and wear sunglasses. Sun rays are strong between 10 am to 4 pm so in this time keep yourself in the shade. Use strong sunscreen with SPF of 30 and higher.

◦ What Does Skin Cancer Look Like?

You can check your skin whether it is cancerous or not, first of all check your skin regularly. If you found any suspicious signs then contact the doctor immediately. As we described there are three main types: the first two are non melanoma and the third one is melanoma.

Signs of Basal Carcinoma

· Any wound or sore which is open and bleeds for several weeks

· Any reddish patch which is normally silent don’t hurts

· A shiny pink, red or pearly white bump

· A scar like white, yellow

· Signs of Squamous Carcinoma

· A constant red patch with irregular borders

Signs of melanoma

· This type is very dangerous and people can die from this cancer. It is basically formed in the melanocyte. It is the pigment which gives the colour to your skin.

· Some early symptoms are as follows:

· Change in the colour of existing mole

· Development of new moles which looks weird and unusual

◦ The “ABCDE Rule”

· This rule is used for melanoma diagnosis. Every letter has its own meaning that are as follows:

· A for asymmetrical shape : any moles which are irregular in shape

· B for irregular border : moles which have irregular border

· C for change in colour : moles can have many colour

· D for diameter : moles that are larger than quarter inched

· E for evolving : moles that are growing in size and changing its colour and shape

This is called ABCDE rule which is helpful to diagnose melanoma cancer and can be done by yourself


Conclusion is do not take skin cancer for granted, and analyse your skin at least once a week and observe the changing. Skin Cancer is rapidly growing and most underestimate cancer. Mostly the reason is UV rays to protect yourself from harmful rays of sun. If it is diagnosed at an early stage then it is curable and easy to remove.

